Technological Innovation leads to productivity growth and higher national incomes
— defined broadly here to include physical machines as well as ideas, knowledge,
processes — makes it possible for each worker to become much more productive.
This increase in
productivity raises incomes, and eventually shortens working hours.
A prime example of how tech innovation drives productivity growth is agriculture. Innovations like
better machinery, crop varieties, fertilizers, and land
have enabled farmers to be much more productive.
In the US, for example,
farm production per labour hour increased
nearly 16-fold from 1948–2011. This increased productivity enables teh US to feed a rapidly growing
even while the fraction of people working in agriculture is smaller than ever.
Besides tech innovation,
there is evidence that working fewer hours can itself keep productivity higher,
the link between working hours and productivity self-reinforcing.
Try selecting some
countries from the dropdown filter
to see how their productivities changed from 1950 - 2017